
The Not-Ninja of Dragon’s Favour

There’s a pretty controversial argument going on around Legend of the Five Rings lately, where the recent raising of the game’s profile has resulted in a two-fold argument between people directly and seriously impacted by Orientalist views and representation in media, and people who aren’t, and convinced it’s fine. This conversation isn’t really worth hashing […]

Boom! September Releases!

Hey friends! It’s September, and that means we here at Invincible Ink have a bunch of new games for you to check out! In fact, we’ve been so creative and prolific these few months that we’re doing three totally different types of release! Let’s run down them real quick! Skulk! Holy and Knuckles! We have […]

Major Stock Updates!

Hi everybody! This is just a quick note to let you know that we’ve finally updated the online shop to contain our latest titles: Café Romantica, You Can’t Win, Fabricators and Queer Coding. These have been available at DriveThru Cards for some time, but for various reasons they hadn’t yet been added to our local […]

My Bad – Murder’s Most Fowl Rule

Hey, have you played Murder Most Fowl? Have you read the rulebook? Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Now this is just a simple game update: The rules for Murder Most Fowl have been updated in preparation for its second edition, bigger printing, which adds more cards, cleans up the visual template, makes the game a […]

SMASH 2017 Wrap-Up and Thank You!

First of all, and most importantly… thank you! We just got back from a full weekend, with our friends at Ex-Manus, at Smash 2017 at the Rosehill race-course, where we sold art, bookmarks, phone danglers, fandom junk and of course, we sold a bunch of our original games! We did pleasantly well, we are happy […]

Sneaky Peeky! Cafe Romantica Tucks!

Yes indeed, they’re here! If you want to get your hands on a sweet little game for 1-4 players where you roll die, build a club, and have a gaggle of cute smoochable boys under your thumb, you’ll get your chance to buy them, for the first time, at SMASH 2017! Come see us! Come […]

The Allure Of Stock Art

I love me some stock art. Stock art is this special kind of work to me because I don’t know, I think it’s because I love lego? Let me explain. Lego, you don’t have perfect lego pices for every vision you have in mind. You may have an idea, get some lego pieces together, then […]

The July Development Blitz!

I don’t know if you’ve been following me on Twitter (don’t go to Twitter, it’s a silly place), but this past month I have been, to say the least, pretty busy. I don’t like building hype for games that aren’t really available to buy just yet, but here’s a quick newsy rundown for what this […]

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